Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How many men does Lee have? Sept 1862

The Governor of Pennsylvania tells McClellan Lee has 120,000 -200,000:

September 10, 1862—10 a. in.
General GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Rockville:

Your message received. I have letter from clergyman, dated Taney-
town, Md., Sunday night, in which he says:

"One of my elders, a reliable man, traveled 7 miles through their camps on Sunday. Their force around Frederick is not less than 120,000 men, and the part under Lee had not joined that army.He conversed with many officers and men. They appeared to believe:
Their whole army in Maryland would exceed 200,000 men, and their intention was to march either upon Harrisburg or Baltimore, probably the latter. Men ragged and filthy, but full of fight. Our news from Hagerstown is gooG- eneral White, at Martinsburg, reports all well. No enemy near Hagerstown or approaching in that direction. Confidence is being rapidly restored there."

From all we can learn, the enemy has selected his ground and massed his force near Frederick, to give you battle, the result of which will probably decide the future of our country.

Governor of Pennsylvanta.

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