Monday, February 18, 2013

Howard Zinn - Communist Ideologue

"Objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you should make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.” - Howard Zinn
 “I wanted my writing of history and my teaching of history to be a part of social struggle. I wanted to be a part of history and not just a recorder and teacher of history. So that kind of attitude towards history, history itself as a political act, has always informed my writing and my teaching.” -Howard Zinn

Zinn was a communist, (read his FBI File) so his viewpoint is not surprising.  It is surprising that some historians take him seriously. 

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