Sunday, February 12, 2012

TORE GIRL'S BIG HAT UP - 1910 Manners

 Per the New York Herald Tribune:

Philadelphia. Dee. 22. — A man who said he was Emil Edwards, of No. 34K West 118 th street. New York City, attended a performance at a Market street theater last night. He had a seat behind that occupied by a young woman who insisted on wearing a large hat despite requests that she remove it. Edwards was unable to see the stage and when the girl persisted in her refusal to remove her hat he reached over and began tearing the offensive headgear to pieces. Before the six ushers employees in the theater reached Edwards there was little left of the hat. He was arrested and held in $800 bail for a further hearing next Thursday. Edwards declares that the young woman was breaking a theater rule, and therefore has no redress.

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