Saturday, November 14, 2009

Eisenhower on MacArthur - 1932

From Eisenhower's Diary JUNE 14, 1932:

Douglas MacArthur - Chief of Staff. Essentially a romantic figure. Very appreciative of good work, positive in his convictions, a genius at giving concise and clear instructions... He apparently avoids social duties as much as possible - and does not seek the limelight except in things connected with the Army and the War Department. Placed a letter of commendation in my record - and assured me that as long as he stays in the Army, I am one of the people earmarked for his "gang".

In my opinion, he has the capacity to undertake successfully any position in the Government. He has a reserved dignity - but is most animated in conversation on subjects that interest him. I doubt he has any real political ambitions - and in these days of high powered publicity and propaganda - I do not expect to seem him prominently mentioned for office outside the War Department.

Most people that know Gen MacA like and admire him to a degree... He is impulsive - able, even brilliant - quick - tenacious of his views and extremely self-confident.

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