Thursday, May 22, 2008

McCain - Lets Win This for Teddy

McCain is back pushing Amnesty. Is anyone surprised? Look at his record:


2003- Sen. McCain was a co-sponsor of S. 1645, the AgJOBS amnesty.

2003- Sen. McCain was a co-sponsor the S. 1461 amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

2005- Sen. McCain and Sen. Kennedy introduced S.1033, the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty for virtually all illegal aliens, co-sponsored by Sen. Joe Lieberman.

2005- Sen. McCain was a co-sponsor of S. 239, the AgJOBS amnesty.

2005- Sen. McCain voted against providing funding for additional Border Patrol and ICE agents by voting against the Byrd Amendment to H.R. 1268.

2006- Sen. McCain voted against extending the border fence in the Sessions Amendment (2) to H.R. 5441.

2006- Sen. McCain voted to prevent the border fence from being built by voting in favor of the Managera Amendment to S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006.

2006- Sen. McCain voted to allow illegal aliens to receive Social Security by voting to table the Ensign Amendment to S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006.

2006- Sen. McCain voted against funding additional immigration investigators by voting against the Sessions Amendment (1) to H.R. 5441.

2006- Sen. McCain voted in favor of S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006. This bill would have awarded amnesty to 10.2 million illegal aliens.

2007 Sen. McCain was heavily involved in the backroom negotiations of S. 1348 with Sen. Kennedy and Pres. Bush this was an amnesty (permanent residency & path to citizenship) for more than 12 million illegal aliens.

2007 Sen. McCain cast several votes to protect the amnesty in S. 1639 and to move the amnesty toward a vote.

2007- Sen. McCain is a co-sponsor of S. 774, the DREAM Act. The bill would grant in-state tuition and amnesty to more than a million illegal aliens under the age of 30.

2007- Sen. McCain is a co-sponsor of S. 340, the Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Security Act of 2007 (AgJOBS). This bill would grant amnesty to millions of illegal agricultural workers.

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